

Workshops And Coaching

An important element of our programmes are the workshops and coaching sessions provided to our participants both before and after the work placements.

For participants joining us for the first time, their programme starts with a needs assessment. In 1-1 conversations we find out how each individual is engaging with education and training, what their aspirations are, and what they are finding challenging. We also talk to their ‘sponsor’ who might be a college teacher, a social care professional, or in some cases a parent. This knowledge of the needs and experience of a particular cohort (up to six young people per programme) gives us the chance to tailor the content of the workshop sessions.

Our commitment is that we will stick with any young person who comes on our programmes for as long as we can be helpful. Whether they carry on in education, move into an apprenticeship, get a job, or are going through a bad patch, they are part of the Trades4Care family, and we will do whatever we can.

An important element of our programmes are the workshops and coaching sessions provided to our participants both before and after the work placements. Andrew Coxon leads on these – he’s a highly qualified and experienced trainer and curriculum designer who has worked at a senior level in several industries but has always retained his interest in working directly with students.

Part of that help is through more work placements, but it is equally important that we are on standby and can deliver a tailored and professional session to build skills.

Before they go on the work placement, each cohort has two days of workshops touching on their personal skills and aspirations, what it takes to work as part of a professional team, the importance of each individual contribution and the behaviours they will need to be safe and productive. They meet Charlie who explains what job they will be working on, and are taken to see the venue and meet the people responsible for it. Back in the workshop, we work on some practical examples – such as how to work out how much paint is needed, or some of the things we might need to think about in doing a risk assessment for the venue. We also talk through what the venue is for, what role it is playing in their community, and what connection they might have with it.

After the work placement week, we offer each cohort two more workshop days, one on personal development aimed at working towards employment goals, the other on managing finances. Because is is often difficult to gather the whole cohort on the same day, we also offer tailored individual coaching sessions, ranging from confidence building and motivation, through help with CVs and job applications, to problem solving sessions tackling anything from negative behaviours or health issues to sorting out access to funding, signposting to other services, or arranging top-up tuition.